SHGM Call Center: 444 60 01

Processes for Assignment of ELT Code

ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter) is a device, which is used in Search and Rescue services with the purpose of providing the position details about the current location in the event that any aircraft is exposed to any accidents or serious incidents.

ELT device is activated either automatically or manually, and it signals, in case of any accident/destruction. Such signals are detected by the Search and Rescue Coordination Center. The signal detected is checked against the aircraft, recorded on the database of the Search and Rescue Coordination Center, and any details for the aircraft (Operator, Owner, Emergency Access Telephone Numbers, etc.) may be obtained in a rapid manner, and any potential delay in respect of the response may be prevented.

Therefore; it is of vital importance that the record details in relation to the ELT device of aircraft, and the Concerned persons and companies are required to show sensitivity towards the this matter.

Assignment of ELT Code is carried out by our Directorate General on behalf of the Main Search and Rescue Coordination Center.

Process of Application to ELT

Initial Application;

  • The Operator/Owner fully completes the ELT Device Registration Form, available on the official web page of our Directorate General, in respect of the aircraft, for which it obtains the registration mark, and applies through an official letter.
  • The applicant is required to send the reserve Letter of Registration/Certificate of Registration and the current ELT Device Registration Form as attached to the official letter.
  • Any letters with incomplete documents and without signature are not taken into account.
  • Our Directorate General calculates the ELT code based on the details specified in the ELT Device Registration form, and reports the same to the applicant through an official letter.
  • The applicant forward the detail for installment and one copy of the test report/certificate, which will be granted by the installer company, to our Directorate General, upon installing the ELT code, assigned by our Directorate General, in the ELT device.
  • Our Directorate General reviews the details for installment, and records the same on the database of Search and Rescue, if deemed appropriate by the same. In the event that it is not deemed appropriate, then situation is reported to the applicant through a letter, and it is requested that any and all required corrections are performed.


  • In case of any changes in the details for the ELT Device Registration Form, then the request for updating the details is required to be submitted to our Directorate General through an official letter within a period of 15 days, at the latest.
  • In the event that such updating process will be performed in respect of the change of the Operator/Owner, then one copy of the certificate of registration and the ELT device registration form are required to be sent by means of official application.
  • In the event that such updating process will be performed in respect of the replacement of the ELT device, then the detail for installment and one copy of the test report/certificate, which will be granted by the installer company, are required to be sent as attached to the official application, due to the fact that ELT code will be required to be re-installed.
  • In the event that such updating process will be performed in respect of any matters other than the above mentioned changes, then only ELT device registration form is required to be sent as attached to the application.


Communications and Air Traffic Systems Directorate
Adres Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı No:128/A 06570 Maltepe / ANKARA
Yetkili  Ufuk EROL
Tel (312) 203 60 20
Faks (312) 212 46 84