SHGM Call Center: 444 60 01

The Air Traffic Controller License Exam is carried out at Directorate General Of Civil Aviation main building upon the request of the General Directorate of State Airports Administration, Anadolu University Aeronautics and Astronautics Faculty or both.

If one who does not enter the following three Air Traffic Controller License Exams or if one who does not take following three Rating Exams after getting his ATCO licence without any formal excuse; he will lose his all rights to be an air traffic controller and “student air traffic controller certificate” of him is also cancelled.

The initial rating exams and following rating recurrent exams of ATCO employed by any other civil service providers providing aerodrome control service other than the air navigational service providers, are carried out by the three-person committee established by the Directorate General and air navigational service provider.

PPL Sınavları

PPL Sınavları, Genel Müdürlüğümüz tarafından; Hava Hukuku, Hava aracı Genel Bilgisi, Uçuş Performans ve Planlaması, İnsan Performans ve Limitleri, Meteoroloji, Seyrüsefer, Operasyon Usulleri, Uçuş Prensipleri, Haberleşme Usulleri konularında seviye derecelendirmesi ile oluşturulan Soru Bankasından bilgisayar programı aracılığıyla random olarak alınan sorularla, sınavlar Uçuş Eğitim Organizasyonlarında Genel Müdürlüğümüz gözetiminde yapılır. 

Toplam sınav süresi 6 saati geçmeyecek ve en az 120 soru olacaktır. Sınavda geçer not 100 üzerinden 75’tir. Teorik sınavların tümü sınavların başladığı tarihten itibaren 18 aylık sürede tamamlanmış olmalıdır. Bu sonuçlar hususi pilot lisansı almaya esas teşkil etmek üzere 24 ay süre ile geçerli kabul edilir.

Uçuş testi Genel Müdürlüğümüz tarafından yetkilendirilmiş bir kontrol pilotu tarafından yapılır. Aday, Genel Müdürlüğümüzün incelemesi sonucu yetenek testine girmesi uygun görüldükten sonra teste girer. Yetenek testinde başarısız olunmasına müteakip ilave eğitim şartı istenebilir. Testin tüm bölümlerinden iki defa başarısız olunması durumunda, Genel Müdürlüğümüz tarafından belirlenecek ilave eğitim alınacaktır. Girilecek yetenek testleri hususunda sayı kısıtlaması yoktur.

Uçuş Ekibi Lisans Müdürlüğü
Adres Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı No:128/A 06570 Maltepe / ANKARA
Yetkili  Ramazan DÜZGÜN
Tel (312) 203 60 66
Faks (312) 212 46 84

ATPL Exams

The exams are carried out at the headquarters of our Directorate General, and consist of the following 14 exams in English. Appointments regarding the Exams for ATPL Pilots are made through the Exam Reservation System (SRS). The candidates, intending to take the Exam for ATPL Pilots, may make appointment for the exams and may pay the fees for each course through the Internet. The Application Form, sent to our Directorate General in respect of the Exams for ATPL Pilots previously, is not required to be sent anymore.


010 Air Law and ATC Procedures 033 Flight Planning and Monitoring 070 Operational Procedures
021 Airframe/ Aircraft Systems/ Engine 040 Human Performance and Limits 081 Flight Principles
022 Instrument/Electronics 050 Meteorology 091 VFR Communications
031 Weight and Balance 061 General Navigation 092 IFR Communications
032 Performance 062 Instrumental Navigation  

All candidates, whose ATPL exam process is in progress, or who will initially start to take exams, are required to apply in person to the following Flight Training Organizations and universities through their Identity numbers, and to receive Exam Reservation Password for once only, in order to make the application for exam through the Internet.

The candidates may log in the system through such passwords, received from the authorized centers, in order to carry out the processes for Exam Reservation. The Appointments for Exams will start at 10.00 on the first day of the reservation dates declared previously, and may be made through the Internet until 23.59 on the last day of the reservation dates.

The candidates may change the day-hour of the reservation for twice only until the last day of their appointment dates. The candidates may select the exam, which they intend to take, on the day when they wish. There is no restriction in respect of the exam days. The exam reservations may be performed on the pre-determined dates, through

Language Proficiency Exams

The exams are carried out by the Pilot English Language Proficiency Examination Institutions authorized by our General Directorate.

Flight Crew Licensing Directorate
Address Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvari No:128/A 06570 Maltepe / ANKARA
Contact Person   Tugce ACIDERELI
Tel (312) 203 61 12
Fax (312) 212 46 84

Exams for Air Traffic Controllers

The exams are carried out at the headquarters of our Directorate General. The exams are carried out by our Directorate General upon the request of the air navigational service providers.

The persons, who do not take 3 licensing exams to be carried out or 3 rating exams to be carried out following the obtainment of license, without any documented and legally acceptable excuses, or who fail at such exams for three times in total, forfeit their rights to obtain the air traffic controller license on indefinite basis, and the trainee air traffic controller certificate of the relevant person is canceled.

The initial rating exams and following rating recurrent exams of the personnel, employed by any other civil service providers, providing aerodrome control service, other than the air navigational service providers, are carried out by the three-person committee established by the Directorate General and air navigational service provider.

Air Traffic Management Directorate
Address Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvari No:128/A 06570 Maltepe / ANKARA
Contact Person  Aysin ZEREN
Tel (312) 203 60 18
Fax (312) 212 46 84

PPL Exams

PPL Exams are conducted by our General Directorate; Air Law, General Knowledge of Aircraft, Flight Performance and Planning, Human Performance and Limits, Meteorology, Navigation, Operation Procedures, Flight Principles, Communication Procedures are randomly taken through the computer program from the Question Bank produced with the level rating, and the exams are held under the supervision of our General Directorate in Approved Training Organizations. 

The total exam duration will not exceed 6 hours and will have at least 120 questions. The passing grade in the exam is 75 out of 100. All theoretical exams must be completed within 18 months from the date of commencement of the exams. These results are considered valid for 24 months as a basis for obtaining a private pilot license.

The flight test is carried out by a control pilot authorized by our General Directorate. The candidate takes the test after being deemed appropriate to take the skill test as a result of the examination of our General Directorate. Upon failure of the skill test, additional training may be required. In case of failure of all parts of the test twice, additional training will be taken to be determined by our General Directorate. There is no restriction on the number of skill tests to be taken.

Exams for ATSEP

The exams are carried out at the headquarters of our Directorate General; and first, assistant ATSEP license is granted to the personnel, who documents that s/he has satisfied the requirements prescribed under the Regulation on the Examination, Certification and Licensing of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (SHY-ATSEP), and who is included in the training schedule, upon the application performed by the relevant training organization or air navigation service provider, and then ATSEP license is granted to the same in the event that such personnel passes the exam to be performed by our Directorate General.

ATSEP initial and competence trainings are currently provided by the Directorate General of State Airports Administration. Also, any other service providers and the Universities are entitled to provide training in accordance with the SHY-ATSEP regulation.

The assistant ATSEP certificate is granted to the personnel, who documents that s/he has satisfied the requirements prescribed under the Regulation on the Examination, Certification and Licensing of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (SHY-ATSEP), and who is included in the training schedule, by our Directorate General, upon the application performed by the relevant training organization or CNS/ATM technical service provider.

ATSEP license is granted to the candidates, who pass the exam to be performed by our Directorate General, provided that the personnel, intending to hold ATSEP license, has satisfied the requirements prescribed under this Regulation.

Any records in relation to assessment of competences of the personnel holding an ATSEP license are sent to the Directorate General by the CNS/ATM service providers.

Communications and Air Traffic Systems Directorate
Address Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvari No:128/A 06570 Maltepe / ANKARA
Contact Person  Ufuk EROL
Tel (312) 203 60 20
Fax (312) 212 46 84

Exams for Dispatchers

Exams for Dispatchers are carried out by our Directorate General at the exam centers designated in Ankara, Antalya and Istanbul. Also, our Directorate General may carry out mobile exams at the locations and times deemed appropriate by the same, if it deems required, or upon the requests, in writing,  of the organizations. The exams are carried out with the exam booklets drawn up randomly in a manner to include the questions, which are prepared based on the rating, available in the question bank created by our Directorate General.

The status of any candidate, intending to apply to the Exam for Dispatchers, is required to satisfy the following requirements.
  1. To be at least 23 years old,
  2. To have graduated from a high school or its equivalent,
  3. To have successfully completed the required theoretical knowledge and training at the Training Organizations, authorized by our Directorate General.

Flight Crew Licensing Directorate
Address Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvari No:128/A 06570 Maltepe / ANKARA
Contact Person  Ekrem CAN
Tel (312) 203 62 22
Fax (312) 212 46 84