Procedures for Special Authorizations

Special Authorizations/Approvals refer to the authorizations/approvals enabling the level flight to be performed within the pre-determined limits and the flight period, in accordance with the airport conditions and requirements for taking-off and landing, based on the characteristics and limits of any aircraft available in the fleets of the operators, as well as on the requirements of the operations to be performed. Reviewing and approval processes of actions for such special authorization/approval are performed by our Directorate General, and any operators are required to apply for the approval, which they request.
In respect of each special approval application, the national and international regulations, the documents requested as well as minimum pre-operation application and periods of processes vary. However in respect of the application documents, the ones which do not bear wet signature are required to be sent in the form of CD.
Flight Operations Directorate | |
Address | Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı No:128/A 06570 Maltepe / ANKARA |
Tel | (312) 203 60 00 |
Fax | (312) 212 46 84 |
RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separation Minima)

Any operator is obliged to obtain the RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separation Minima) approval in order for the fact that any aircraft performs operations between FL290 (29.000 ft) and FL410 (41.000 ft).
RVSM approval is granted for a period of 1 year. The approval of the operators licensed in accordance with SHY 6A remains valid as long as their licenses are valid. In case of detection of any non-conformities for the relevant approval during the operational inspections to be conducted every year, then their licenses are suspended or canceled. The operators licensed in accordance with SHY 6B are required to apply to our Directorate General minimum 15 days prior to date of expiration thereof in order to extend their authorities.
In the event that any aircraft holding RVSM approval is removed from the fleet of the operator, or that it is registered in the fleet of any other operator, then its approval is canceled.
The application is assessed in accordance with SHT 0013 instruction, and the procedures to be followed and the documents requested are as follows:
- The operator submits the application request file to the DGCA minimum 15 days prior to the date of operation planned. Request file must include the following documents:
- RVSM Application Form (attached to the instruction),
- List of flight crew members together with the license numbers. Also, a letter, which states that the relevant crew members have received the RVSM training, and which is issued by the Training Directorate, as well as training records/documents,
- Airworthiness certificate,
- Approval page of the maintenance schedule and the relevant pages thereof,
- Approval page of the Operations Manual and the relevant pages thereof (Part A and Part D),
- Approval page of the MEL (Minimum Equipment List) and the relevant pages thereof,
- The list of the required components and the relevant pages of IPC and AFM, containing RVSM items
- Approval page of the MOD-S code
- Such operators are also required to present the receipts for payment of the service fee appropriate to the scope of their own operation licenses, in the column “Initial Issuance” available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate– Special Authorization Approval”, and in the column "Additional Change Fee" available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate – Operational Requirements”, under the current “Service Tariff”, as attached to the Application.
Flight Operations Directorate | |
Contact Person | Yavuz Selim ÇELEBİ / Teknik Denetçi |
Tel | (312) 203 61 79 |
Fax | (312) 212 46 84 |
LVO (Low Visibility Operations)

LVO (Low Visibility Operations) refers to the special approval required to be obtained in order to enable that the aircraft takes off in low visibility, and to perform category II, Category IIIA/IIIB operations.
LVO approval is granted for a period of 1 year. The approval of the operators licensed in accordance with SHY 6A remains valid as long as their licenses are valid. In case of detection of any non-conformities for the relevant approval during the operational inspections to be conducted every year, then their licenses are suspended or canceled. The operators licensed in accordance with SHY 6B are required to apply to our Directorate General minimum 15 days prior to date of expiration thereof in order to extend their authorities.
In the event that any aircraft holding LVO approval is removed from the fleet of the operator, or that it is registered in the fleet of any other operator, then its approval is canceled.
The applications are assessed in accordance with SHT OPS 1 Instruction and ICAO Doc. 9365, and the procedures to be followed and the documents requested are as follows:
- The operator submits the application request file to the DGCA minimum 15 days prior to the date of operation planned. Request file must include the following documents:
- List of flight crew members together with the license numbers. Also, a letter, which states that the relevant crew members have received the LVO training, and which is issued by the Training Directorate, as well as training records/documents; and specification of the fact that the LVO licenses are issued,
- Airworthiness certificate,
- Approval page of the maintenance schedule and the relevant pages thereof,
- Approval page of the Operations Manual and the relevant pages thereof (Part A and Part D),
- Approval page of the MEL (Minimum Equipment List) and the relevant pages thereof,
- The list of the required components and the relevant pages of the IPC and AFM, containing LVO items
- 30 CAT II/III reports, which has been simulated for each aircraft type
- Type approval of the manufacturer for aircraft types
- Such operators are also required to present the receipts for payment of the service fee appropriate to the scope of their own operation licenses, in the column “Initial Issuance” available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate– Special Authorization Approval”, and in the column "Additional Change Fee" available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate – Operational Requirements”, under the current “Service Tariff”, as attached to the Application.
Flight Operations Directorate | |
Contact Person | Mehmet SEVDİM / Kontrol Pilotu |
Tel | (312) 203 61 10 |
Fax | (312) 212 46 84 |
MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification)

Any operator is obliged to obtain the MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) approval in order for the fact that any aircraft performs flights within the North Atlantic Airspace (MNPS).
MNPS approval is granted for a period of 1 year. The approval of the operators licensed in accordance with SHY 6A remains valid as long as their licenses are valid. In case of detection of any non-conformities for the relevant approval during the operational inspections to be conducted every year, then their licenses are suspended or canceled. The operators licensed in accordance with SHY 6B are required to apply to our Directorate General minimum 15 days prior to date of expiration thereof in order to extend their authorities.
In the event any aircraft holding MNPS approval is removed from the fleet of the operator, or that it is registered in the fleet of any other operator, then its approval is canceled.
The applications are assessed in accordance with SHT OPS 1 and SHT-0010, instructions, and the procedures to be followed and the documents requested are as follows:
- The operator submits the application request file to the DGCA minimum 15 days prior to the date of operation planned. Request file must include the following documents:
- List of flight crew members together with the license numbers. Also, a letter, which states that the relevant crew members have received the MNPS training, and which is issued by the Training Directorate, as well as training records/documents,
- Airworthiness certificate,
- Approval page of the maintenance schedule and the relevant pages thereof,
- Approval page of the Operations Manual and the relevant pages thereof (Part A and Part D),
- Approval page of the MEL (Minimum Equipment List) and the relevant pages thereof,
- The list of the required components and the relevant pages of the IPC and AFM, containing MNPS items
- Approval page of the MOD-S code
- Such operators are also required to present the receipts for payment of the service fee appropriate to the scope of their own operation licenses, in the column “Initial Issuance” available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate– Special Authorization Approval”, and in the column "Additional Change Fee" available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate – Operational Requirements”, under the current “Service Tariff”, as attached to the Application.
Flight Operations Directorate | |
Contact Person | Mehmet SEVDİM / Kontrol Pilotu |
Tel | (312) 203 61 10 |
Fax | (312) 212 46 84 |
PBN (Performance Based Navigation)

PBN (Performance Based Navigation) refers to the special approval, which indicates the navigational competence of any aircraft in respect of the operations to be performed in the terminal and specific airspaces. PBN approval issued under two main headings, RNAV (Area Navigation) and RNP (Required Navigation Performance), and the competence requested is stated under such headings as a separate authorization.
The number available next to each approval (e.g. RNAV 1, RNAV 5, RNAV 2, etc.) indicates the navigational performance, which the aircraft is required to have, in "nm" (nautical mile) as horizontal line. In other words, any aircraft must have the navigational competence in a manner to be within the horizontal line of 1 nm, in order to obtain the RNAV 1 approval.
However, any approval, which is more restrictive in terms of the line, does not cover any other approval, which is less restrictive, due to the procedural and technical differences (E.g. The fact that any aircraft holds RNP 1 approval does not mean that such aircraft also holds RNP 2 or RNP 10 approval). Navigational competence to be requested by the different geographies or terminal areas may vary, and the operators apply for the relevant approval in accordance with the requirements of the operation types or the region, where they perform operations.
PBN approvals issued by our Directorate General are as follows;
- RNAV 1 (For en-route and terminal areas)
- RNAV 2 (For en-route and terminal areas)
- RNAV 5 (For en-route and terminal areas)
- RNAV/RNP 10 (For long distances such as oceans and deserts)
- RNP 1 (For en-route and terminal areas)
- RNP 2 (For en-route and terminal areas / For long distances such as oceans and deserts)
- RNP 4 (For en-route and terminal areas / For long distances such as oceans and deserts)
- RNP 0.3 (For en-route and terminal areas)
- RNP APCH (For en-route and terminal areas)
- RNP(AR)APCH (For en-route and terminal areas)
Each RNAV or RNP approvals is granted for a period of 1 year. The approval of the operators licensed in accordance with SHY 6A remains valid as long as their licenses are valid. In case of detection of any non-conformities for the relevant approval during the operational inspections to be conducted every year, then their licenses are suspended or canceled. The operators licensed in accordance with SHY 6B are required to apply to our Directorate General minimum 15 days prior to date of expiration thereof in order to extend their authorities.
In the event any aircraft holding the relevant PBN approval is removed from the fleet of the operator, or that it is registered in the fleet of any other operator, then its approval is canceled.
We have national legislation in respect of RNAV 5, RNP APCH and RNP (AR) APCH approval; and in respect of the applications to be performed for such approvals, "Application Form" available in the relevant instructions and the documents requested in the instructions are required to be available in addition to the documents specified below.
Any other authorizations are assessed in accordance with the ICAO Doc. 9613 and the relevant EASA regulations, if any (there is no EASA regulation for each approval), and the procedures to be followed and the documents requested in respect of the application are as follows:
The operator submits the application request file to the DGCA minimum 15 days prior to the date of operation planned. Request file must include the following documents:
- List of flight crew members together with the license numbers. Also, a letter, which states that the relevant crew members have received the relevant approval (RNAV or RNP) training, and which is issued by the Training Directorate, as well as training records/documents,
- Airworthiness certificate,
- Approval page of the maintenance schedule and the relevant pages thereof,
- Approval page of the Operations Manual and the relevant pages thereof (Part A and Part D)
- Approval page of the MEL (Minimum Equipment List) and the relevant pages thereof,
- The list of the required components and the relevant pages of the IPC and AFM, containing RNAV/RNP items
- Database supplier – Letter of Acceptance (LoA) / Third party-Evidence of approval.
- Such operators are also required to present the receipts for payment of the service fee appropriate to the scope of their own operation licenses, in the column “Initial Issuance” available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate– Special Authorization Approval”, and in the column "Additional Change Fee" available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate – Operational Requirements”, under the current “Service Tariff”, as attached to the Application.
Flight Operations Directorate | |
Contact Person | Yavuz Selim ÇELEBİ / Teknik Denetçi |
Tel | (312) 203 61 79 |
Fax | (312) 212 46 84 |
ETOPS (Extended Range Twin Engine Operation Performance Standards)

ETOPS (Extended Range Twin Engine Operation Performance Standards) refers to the special approval which enables to extend the rule of 60-minutes diversion time for twin engine aircraft, which requires that the aircraft should not be farther than one hour of flying time from an adequate diversion airport, to 120- or 180-minute time intervals.
ETOPS approval is not granted for any aircraft with 3 or more engines. The operators may not apply for 180 mn. unless there is approval for 120 mn. or 180 mn., which has previously been granted for the same aircraft type available in their fleets, or unless they obtain approval for 120 mn. The applications for 180 mn. may be decreased to 120 mn. as a consequence of the assessment performed by the Directorate General.
ETOPS approval is granted for a period of 1 year. The approval of the operators licensed in accordance with SHY 6A remains valid as long as their licenses are valid. In case of detection of any non-conformities for the relevant approval during the operational inspections to be conducted every year, then their licenses are suspended or canceled. The operators licensed in accordance with SHY 6B are required to apply to our Directorate General minimum 15 days prior to date of expiration thereof in order to extend their authorities.
In the event any aircraft holding ETOPS approval is removed from the fleet of the operator, or that it is registered in the fleet of any other operator, then its approval is canceled.
The application is assessed in accordance with SHT 0012 instruction, and the procedures to be followed and the documents requested are as follows:
- The operator submits the application request file to the DGCA minimum 15 days prior to the date of operation planned. Request file must include the following documents: Such operators are also required to present the receipts for payment of the service fee appropriate to the scope of their own operation licenses, in the column “Initial Issuance” available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate– Special Authorization Approval”, and in the column "Additional Change Fee" available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate – Operational Requirements”, under the current “Service Tariff”, as attached to the Application.
- List of flight crew members together with the license numbers. Also, a letter, which states that the relevant crew members have received the ETOPS training, and which is issued by the Training Directorate, as well as training records/documents,
- Airworthiness certificate,
- Approval page of the maintenance schedule and the relevant pages thereof,
- Approval page of the Operations Manual and the relevant pages thereof (Part A and Part D),
- Approval page of the MEL (Minimum Equipment List) and the relevant pages thereof,
- The list of the required components and the relevant pages of the IPC and AFM, containing MNPS items
- Such operators are also required to present the receipts for payment of the service fee appropriate to the scope of their own operation licenses, in the column “Initial Issuance” available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate – Special Authorization Approval”, and in the column "Additional Change Fee" available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate – Operational Requirements”, under the current “Service Tariff”, as attached to the Application.
Flight Operations Directorate | |
Contact Person | Mehmet SEVDİM / Kontrol Pilotu |
Tel | (312) 203 61 10 |
Fax | (312) 212 46 84 |
DGR (Dangerous Goods Regulations)

Domestic airline companies, wants to transport “Dangerous Goods” by passenger or cargo aircraft , are obliged to obtain a Dangerous Goods transport authorization from Türkiye DGCA.
The authorization to transport dangerous goods is in effect within the validity period of the Air Operator Certificate , issued under SHY 6A and its validity continues during the validity period of the operating license. After obtaining the relevant authorization, if any nonconformity is detected in the risk-based operation inspections, it shall be suspended or revoked. Genral air operators authorised under SHY 6B are required to apply to Türkiye DGCA at least 30 days before the expiry date for the renewal of their authorization.
The request for authorisation to carry dangerous goods is evaluated within the scope of SHT OPS CAT.GEN.MPA.200, SPA.DG.100 and ICAO Doc.9284 Technical Instructions.
The following information and documents must be submitted to Türkiye DGCA both through Belgenet and automation system.
1. The information on the classes of dangerous goods that the operator intends to transport, the types of aircraft to be used and the operation information,
2. The current dangerous goods training certificates in accordance with the relevant job function of the flight crew, cabin crew, dispatcher, ground operation personnel , Load Master if the operator has Cargo aircraft in its fleet and the technical personnel who will prepare the COMAT package classified as dangerous goods,
3. The relevant pages of Operation Manual Part A, Part D, Ground Operation Manual (GOM), Cabin Crew Manual (CCM) and Cabin Crew Training Manual (CCTM) documents,
4. The subscription details showing that the operator has access to up-to-date dangerous goods documents (ICAO Doc.9284 TI, Doc.9481 ERG and IATA DGR Manual),
5. The records of internal and external audits carried out by the quality department of operator regarding the transport of dangerous Goods,
6. It is required to send the payment receipt for the service fee coded SHUO4225 (Special Authorisation Approval DGR-Airline) or SHUO4339 (Special Authorisation Approval DGR-Airtaxi) specified under ‘Flight Operation Department - Flight Operation Coordinatorate’ in the current ‘Service Tariff’.
Upon the review and approval of the documents submitted by the operator, an audit may be carried out in order to see the works on site if necessary. Upon evaluations,If it is considered appropriate, the authorisation to carry Dangerous Goods for the relevant aircraft types is entered on the Special Approvals Section of the ‘Operations Specification ’ of the operator.
Flight Operations Directorate | |
Contact Person | Dr. Göğem KILIÇ / Şükrü Okyar ÇEBİ |
Tel | (312) 203 61 95 / 203 60 25 |
Fax | (312) 212 46 84 |
EFB (Electronic Flight Bag)
EFB (Electronic Flight Bag) refers to the special approval, which enables any aircraft to perform static documents and dynamic calculations electronically without keeping the printed copy of any document available at the cockpit.
EFB approval is granted for a period of 6 months in the initial issuance, in order to be used together with the printed documents at the cockpit. The report, containing the experiences of the respective operator and the measures taken against the errors occurred, is assessed upon completion of such process. The qualification flight is performed with the purpose of observing the operations of the respective operator during the flight, in parallel with such assessment.
The final resolution either for continuing the flight through the printed documents or initiating the flights without any printed documents is adopted upon performance of the qualification flight.
Annex II AMC 20-25 dated on 9th February 2014, and the procedures to be followed and the documents requested are as follows:
- The operator submits the application request file containing all details for the EFB project to our Directorate General. Request file must include the following documents,
- Before approval of EFB system, the representation shall be performed to Flight Operation Directorate
- Technical details for software and hardware of the EFB system
- The report for the calculations to be performed dynamically under the scope of the EFB system, excluding the document management
- The relevant pages in relation to any changes performed in the Part A, Part C and Part D of the Operations Manual and related MEL pages
- If there exist any STC approval , then it shall be submittted to DGCA
- Such operators are also required to present the receipts for payment of the service fee appropriate to the scope of their own operation licenses, in the column “Initial Issuance” available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate – Special Authorization Approval”, and in the column "Additional Change Fee" available in the section “Flight Operations Department – Flight Operations Directorate – Operational Requirements”, under the “Service Tariff”, as attached to the Application.
- In the event that the application is deemed to be appropriate, then "Operational Requirements" of the operators licensed in accordance with SHY 6A are updated, and the certificate, specifying the related details, is issued additionally.
Flight Operations Directorate | |
Contact Person | Göğem KILIÇ / Yusuf ÖZKAN |
Tel | (312) 203 61 95 / 203 61 68 |
Fax | (312) 212 46 84 |