Maintenance Release of Turkish registered aircraft by EASA Part 145 approved organisations.
18 Mar 2015As is known, Memorandum on Maintenance Release of Turkish Registered rev.3 defines the requirements for foreign maintenance organizations to get getting SHY-145 maintenance organisation approval and explains the ways of maintenance release issuance on a Turkish registered aircraft.
According to the memorandum, there are below two possibilies for EASA Part 145 maintenance organisations to release a Turkish registered aircraft.
1- Issue a release in accordance with EASA Part 145.A.50 or
2- To get SHY-145 approval from the DGCA and issue a release in accordance with the memorandum.
2- To get SHY-145 approval from the DGCA and issue a release in accordance with the memorandum.
It is hereby reminded that the maintenance releases which are not comply with the memorandum shall not be valid.