How Can We Help You?

Regulation on Rights of Passengers Traveling By Air (SHY-PASSENGER) dated December 3, 2011 sets out and regulates the rights of passengers and the cases when such rights apply (denied boarding, delay, cancellation of flight, being downgraded-upgraded) as well as their minimum rights in such cases. Complaints regarding Baggage, Refund of Taxes and Charges, Online Check-in Problems are out of the scope of our regulation; therefore you need to contact Consumer Centers or the concerned airline companies directly for any complaints on these issues.
Any complaints regarding denied boarding, delay, cancellation of flight, being downgraded-upgraded should first be submitted to the concerned airline. If the response of the airline is not satisfactory or no response is received as a result of your complaint; it will be sufficient to complete the electronic form on our web site or send all relevant information and documents along with a petition letter stating the issue to our Directorate by mail.
Your petition must definitely contain:
· Your flight details (The flight number - date - destination/route - number of passengers - electronic ticket number ... indicated in your booking)
· The tracking number of your submission with the airline company
· Your contact details (phone, e-mail, phone number, ....) Any complaints with missing information or misstatements will not be processed.
Attach the following documents to your petition:
· Copy of the ticket,
· Copies of the letters and e-mails you have sent to the airline company/airport;
· Copies of the letters sent to you by the airline company/airport;
· Any other documents you deem relevant to your flight
· Invoices of the expenditures, being the subject of the claim.
We receive a great number of complaints regarding passengers' rights. Response times may vary as we make several correspondences with the airline companies, and where necessary, the concerned public institutions and organizations in investigation of the complaints. Be assured that we will address your complaint and respond you as soon as possible. Make sure that all your documents and information are complete for fast processing of your complaints. Your complaints should be submitted to the concerned airline first, and, then escalated to our Directorate through a petition letter stating the complaint along with all relevant flight details and documents, where no response is received from the airline or its response is not satisfactory, otherwise your complaint will not be processed. Please provide your phone number in your petition so that we can contact you when necessary.
You can contact our Directorate General by phone at 0312 203 60 00.
We can not receive your complaints by phone or e-mail.
In the event that their rights are not declared to the passengers in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, and even if the passengers have agreed to receive a compensation lower than the one prescribed therein, the passengers shall be entitled to take necessary actions and/or proceedings before the competent courts and/or authorities in order to receive additional compensation.