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Fifteenth Steering Committee Meeting of the ICAO..
01 Jun 2015

Fifteenth Steering Committee Meeting of the ICAO AFI Comprehensive Regional Implementation Plan for Aviation Safety in Africa (AFI PLAN),

Aviation agreement which increases the passenger and cargo flights was signed with Iraq
10 Apr 2015

The Memorandum of Undersanding was signed between the Aeronautical Authorities of Turkey and Iraq as a result of the negotiations which was held on 2 April 2015 in Ankara.

New Agreement for the Flights Between Turkey and Tajikistan
02 Apr 2015

With the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Turkey and Tajikistan

ICAO Secretary General Mr. Raymond Benjamın's Official Visit to Turkey Lasted Wıth Posıtıve Results
23 Feb 2015

ICAO Secretary General Mr. Raymond Benjamin paid an official visit to Turkey between16-22 February 2015 upon the invitation of H.E. Mr. Lütfi Elvan, Minister of Transport...

ICAO Secretary General Raymond Benjamin Will Pay An Official Visit To Turkey
16 Feb 2015

Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) H.E. Mr. Raymond Benjamin will pay an official visit to Turkey on 16-22 February 2015. This will be the first bilateral official visit from ICAO...

Flight Gate to Liberia is opened…
04 Feb 2015

With the Air Transport Agreement that Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, Directorate General of Civil Aviation signed with Liberia, Turkey’s worldwide flight network reached to 164.

D-8 Member Countries Working Group on Civil Aviation..
02 Sep 2014

D-8 Member Countries Working Group on Civil Aviation and Director Generals' Meeting has been held in Bangladesh between August 24-25, 2014.

Director General’s New Year Message
31 Dec 2014

While leaving behind one more year that civil aviation has continued its growth steadily throughout the world, I avail myself of this opportunity to commemorate those who have lost their lives in....

A new agreement has been concluded between Turkey and Belgium for new flight destinations...
17 Dec 2014

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between Turkey and Belgium, which includes introduction of new destination points as well as an increase in the frequencies of existing passenger and cargo flights.

Turkey is Candidate for 2016 ICAO Council Elections
25 Nov 2014

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the LACAC Presidency and the Secretariat for the great opportunity given to the Turkish DGCA....