SHGM Call Center: 444 60 01

All flights to be operated by using the airspace and airports of our country are carried out in accordance with the Turkish Civil Aviation Act Nr.2920, primarily, and the relevant regulations and the procedures of Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) of our country. The applications for flight permit are assessed based on the safety, security and commercial rights of our country as well as as part of the inspections and regulations thereto.

The Applications for Flight Permit are conducted by our Air Transport Department, and delivered to our Directorate General within the working hours (08.30 – 17.30 LMT) in the weekdays, and to the FIC division of the Directorate General of State Airports Authority at the weekend and outside the working hours.

The actions for special flight permits are carried out by our Air Navigational Department. It is mostly required to establish coordination with the civil and military institutions. Accordingly, the application periods must be observed in order to complete the coordination process of the relevant flight permit. The applications, not complying with such periods, are not taken into account by our Directorate General.
  • For Further Details in relation to Commercial Flight Permits and Diplomatic Flight Permits
Air Transport Department Flight Authorization Directorate
Tel (312) 203 60 56 – 203 60 59 – 203 60 58 – 203 60 52 – 203 60 51
Fax (312) 212 46 84


  • For Further Details in relation to Special Flight Permits such as Photo Shooting, Mineral Exploration, Acrobatics, etc.
Air Navigational Department Air Traffic Management Directorate
Tel 0312 203 60 18 - 203 60 17 - 203 61 37
Fax (312) 212 46 84

Applications for Commercial Flight Permit

General Aviation Flights

Flights Subject to Special Permit

Diplomatic Flights

Flights to Military Airports